Asylum - Chapter 5

Week Three is here for the residents of Middlington's Wainwright Asylum for the Slightly Deranged. Are they any closer to release?

Indeed, from outside apperances, things appear to have been going smoothly. But as we stop by later in the week and catch Lizbet heading off to work, lets look inside and see what's really going on in the asylum.

The madness starts early in the day with the stalking and the staring and sponge bathing.

And progresses with all sorts of glitches and oddities.
Van and Earl are either very good friends, or Van really really likes a tidy bathroom.

Speaking of glitches, this one started before Lizbet had even left for work. Parson took a header into his omlette and Lorna froze while eating hers...

They stayed this way till well after Lizbet was back from work. I'd figured that if their needs got low enough, they'd unglitch and go take care of it. Not so. Their icons transitioned from green to yellow and when they hit bright orange I made the decision to force an error on each of them to reset them and force them out of their glitched state.
This had... predictable results.

After all, you can't be in orange mood without having at least one of your needs seriously tanked. Looks like for Lorna it was bladder. She almost made it to the toilet.

She would've had to wait on Parson if she'd made it all the way though. He beat her to the bathroom, but apparently that was as far as he could hold it.
These were bladder accidents 2 and 3

This is one of those times when I don't want to know what these two are up to.

And to round out this wonderful day, the trash compactor broke. The one appliance I was hoping wouldn't break. Trash compactors are lethal equipment and kill indiscriminatly. I can't count the number of sims I've had electrocuted (much less killed) by them. I don't feel up to having Lizbet risk her life tonight. Maybe tomorrow...

Because tomorrow, is another day.
Another day of me being subjected to watching this

If Raul's singing is anything like his dancing, I think we know why his musical career failed. Raul does not have the moves...

Well, at least not on the dance floor.

And here we have a rare Guest Poker, Peter Ottomas. I'd moved the Ottomas family onto a lot so I could have Lizbet call up Samantha. Since they have lower character numbers (having been created by Seasons when the hood was setup on my system) than Sim-Keth, Peter promptly trumped her for the role of Neighborhood Poker. I moved 'em back to the Sim Bin after this incident so Sim-Keth could resume her regularly scheduled shoving.
Peter is probably glad, because he's quickly discovering why Lorna is one the resident you don't want to mess with.

So Parson continued his quest to find out more about recycled and non-recycled kisses. He first tried asking Earl, since he knew that he and Wanda were getting some. But Earl wasn't one to kiss and tell.

He also tried talking to Raul and Lorna, since he knew they were familiar with kissing. They pointed out to him that his timing was rather off.

So Parson tried tracking down Lorna later on in the afternoon, when she went to check the mail.

Lorna, however, didn't want to talk about it.

And Quavi just kept right on walking. Didn't wave, didn't make eye contact, nothing.
Can't say I blame him *laughs*

Oh Earl, I don't care how hot you think Wanda is. Did you have to break the sink? Now Lizbet is going to have to do maintentance tonight.

Lizbet managed to greet a couple walk-bys when she got home from work, and it seems everyone has romance on the brain.
The person in the leopard dress? That's Gigi Monroe, another custom townie I dropped in. Trust me, you're seeing Gigi's good side there.

Well, while Lisa and Gigi were chatting up the other residents (and while Lorna fumed over Peter Ottomas), Parson figured he had this recycled and non-recycled kissing thing figured out and asked Lizbet...

...if she's like to help him test his theories.
For those of you thinking these two might be finally getting some...

Think again. Lizbet decided she would rather whine and pout about being tired. She promptly crawled right back in bed and went to sleep after this.

And Parson did this as he walked out of the room and headed to the kitchen. I died laughing.
Yeah, I don't know why she chose sleep over you either Parson. There are several who'd happily take her place, I'm sure.

So as soon as Lizbet had a decent amout of sleep, I had her haul her a## up and go fix things. She's getting to be an old hat with the plumbing.

But this is where the real danger lies. Those voracious, sim-hungry trash compactors.

Luckily, Lizbet proved triumphant over the appliance, which means everything is tuned, tidied, and repaired so we're ready for the weekend. That's when the $#*% always hits the fan...
But that's another chapter.
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Labels: asylum, middlington
Hooo boy ... good thing you waited until she'd had some sleep before fixing that trash compactor. :O) I can just imagine the charring that would have occurred.
And poor Parson. He's really into finding out about kisses and their variations ... and no one wants to assist him. And Lizbet thought she might ... but was too pooped to pop! I think Parson's facial expression says it all! Or perhaps he's thinking, "Was it me?" HEHE!!
And by your last paragraph, I'm guessing the shit is gonna hit the fan soon. :O)
Lizbet looks so together while going to work...hahaha!
Oh no! Frozen nuts! HAHA! At least they weren't starting fires while frozen.
*whispers* He is giving secret information to the head boob!
Peter Otomas needs to DIE! Oops, just my dislike for the Otomas coming out.
Parson, Parson, must learn about the kisses yourself, no one will tell you. Quavi knows these guys are nuts, that is why he won't stop. He almost learned about them, but Lizbet was just too tired. Maybe next time, maybe...
Oh, what an update! Poor Parson. I can't believe that Lizbet decided to sleep rather than help him with his recycled kisses research!
LOL at Parson's quest for answers about recycled kisses and his almost getting there.
Well, if everyone runs around in their underwear, I'm not surprised there are stalkers running rampant.
*stares like a deer caught in the headlights* Um, wow. *looks at Van and Earl* Just, um, wow. *wanders off like a boxer who was hit one too many times*
*shakes her head to clear it of that last image* Uh-oh. I hope those glitches got fixed somehow? (So, out of curiosity, how do you force the error to clear them?)
Oh, those poor people. *tsks at the puddles*
*blinks* You know, I don't want to know what they're up to either. Looks like some sort of kinky sex game or something though. *backs away*
You are going to have her fix the trash compactor though? Me? I'd leave the inhabitants to use a garbage can instead.
*giggles* Hey, having all the right moves on the dance floor are nowhere near as important as having them in "other places"! *grins*
You tell him, Lorna! *cheers the crazy woman on*
Poor Parson. He just wants some information. No need to be so rude about it!
You know, I don't blame Quavi one bit either. I think I might do the same. *nods*
Hehe, that's Gigi's good side? And where's Parson while all this talk of love and kisses is going on?
Ah, that's where he is. :-) Oh my, Parson, that's quite bold of you!
Aww, that poor guy. Motor all revved and nowhere to park. *looks innocent* What? I'm just being sympathetic!
HAHAHA!! Okay. I guess his motor wasn't all revved after all. *laughs* Don't you love those sims? *raises her hand* I'd take her place!
Whoo, lucky with the trash compactor! *glances at the real world time* Pheh. The weekend will have to wait until my weekend too. :-(
It has been a long time since I've read an asylum blog and you are reminding me how fun that challenge was (the only one I've completed too.) I'm glad the sim-hungry trash compactor didn't munch on Lizbet. Maybe SK's ankles were too swollen to poke and that was why Peter Otomas showed up instead?
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