Asylum - Chapter 6

And we're back Live at the Asylum, ready for the weekend. But with their sanity starting to fray around the edges, the residents probably aren't quite as ready as we are, since things always seem to go to hell in a handbasket during the weekend.

And indeed, after three weeks our Pleasure sim isn't finding a lot of pleasure in the Asylum. I haven't seen Raul pull out the lampshade yet, but it won't be long I'm sure.

Ever the Romance sim, Marie tried to cheer him up by congratulating him on his woohoo skills... or else she was propositing him, since she's been woohooless from the start.

Whatever passed between these two, it had a profound effect on Marie. I missed exactly what happened as I was a bit distracted...

I had panned over to watch Lizbet and Sim-Keth become best friends while Sim-Keth shoved Lizbet for peeping on her with the telescope.

The nice thing about the education career track is that Lizbet has the weekends off (this may also be why things are so crazy on weekends too). She's able to greet all sorts of walk-bys, which can lead to a pretty busy kitchen come meal time,

A busy kitchen means lots of cooking, and lots of cooking means... you guessed it... fire. And Parson and Wanda are both taking a hit for it.

And after calling the nice firefighters, who else should run in and take an aspiration hit as well? Lizbet. *sigh* And she'd done so well at bringing her aspiration up all week.

Finally we get to meet the 3rd firefighter. This Amar Seiff, here to save the day. Just ignore the panicking custom townie off to the side.

It appears Wanda was able to hold onto her wits by the skin of her teeth. I wonder if we'll get to see her flour baby sometime soon. As for Parson, well, the poor guy doesn't seem to catch a break.

The other residents realize he has long since slipped 'round the bend of sanity and hasn't made much headway in his recovery.

Even those who have just met him realize the boy is missing a few buttons. Shame on you Fireman Amar for making fun of the mentally unhinged.

This is starting to become a normal position for poor Parson. When I started the challenge, he was the last sim I expected to see having aspiration issues. I'd help him if I could. In fact...

I would love to see his panels and find out exactly what he is spinning up wants for.

So I suspect we'll be seeing a lot more of Dr. Phyllo. Parson doesn't seem too thrilled about that prospect either (or else he's a bit hesitant about taking Dr. Phyllo's advice. Can't say I blame him)

I was so engrossed in watching Parson and Dr. Phyllo that I completely missed whatever indescretion started this.

And it was hard to say who else was involved, since both Van and Marie were trying hard to look innocent.

Since Raul's the one crying like a little girl, I'm going to bet that Lorna caught him up to something with Marie, and Lorna is not someone to cross lightly.

It would seem that both Van and Raul blame Marie for the altercation...

...and perhaps they were correct. Yes, it took till the end of week 3 for the romance sim to get woohoo

While Raul and Marie basked in some post woohoo cuddling, Wanda was in the kitchen setting the stove on fire again. I'm beginning to wonder if she's a pyromaniac; just look how she keeps cooking despite the flames.

Eventually Wanda realized that "Fire baaaad", right about the same time everyone else came running in to panic and scream ineffectually. Luckily Lizbet is in the shower, and with a telephone in every room, she can call for help without subjecting herself to the flames.
I don't think I need to even mention Parson taking another aspiration hit for the fire. It's a given at this point.

Er, no Lizbet, you're supposed to stay in the quiet safety of the shower and not notice the fire. Your aspiration is still pretty poor from that last inferno. You really can't... er... too late.

So the nice fireman came and put out the flames, and our two resident knowledge sims proceeded to promptly break down. Lizbet decided wander into the dormitory so she could lose it in private, while Parson is once again subjected to the ridicule of his peers.

I do hope we can get you up to a decent mood in time for work tomorrow. You really need that promotion to start the week off right.

It would seem promotions are the furthest thing from Lizbet's mind right now. And Parson... well... I'm not sure how much mind he has left.

So right now Lizbet and Parson are very fragile. Lizbet seems to be taking great joy in striking up an acquaintance with Dr. der Flugball.

And Parson... I missed what set him off again. I was watching someone else and heard the sound that heralds the arrival of the Good Doctor. Once again, I really wish I could see his wants and fears panel.
Sadly, Parson's mental state has other consequences...

Namely it means he is easly manipulated by the other residents. In this case, in her attempt to get back at Raul and Marie, Lorna has talked Parson into a little retaliation woohoo. Not like Parson cares.
Marie just can't believe her eyes.

So before we leave Lorna to revel in the start of her planned payback (and poor confused Parson, who doesn't know he's just been used), lets take a look at how things stand at the end of week 3...
Fires: 8 (2 during the 3rd week)
Items destroyed by fire: 1 (stove, first week)
Nervous Breakdowns: 12 (4 during 3rd week)
Job Level: 6 in Education (University Guest Lecturer)
Chance Cards: 2 (earned promotion to substitute teacher, lost $1860 as guest lecturer)
Family Friends: 10
Family Funds: §11162
Lot Value: §33486
Total Family Wealth: §44648 (value on the neighborhood screen)
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Labels: asylum, middlington
Marie & Raul? That might be an interesting combination.
HAHA! SimKeth is back and is as pushy as ever! *snicker* Lizbet runs in to see the fire also? Maybe she needs a date to put her in a better mood....
Poor Parson...he is just destined for the nut house. Doesn't look good for Raul either. *sigh*
OMG! Another fire and here she comes a running to see the fire. HAHAHA! At least she breaks down in private and out of the eyes of her wards.
Lorna is just using dear sweet Parson...le sigh.
People seem to be losing what's left of their minds right, left and center! And I guess backwards, forwards and diagonally, too! WOO ... poor Lizbet. With her aspiration meter so low, she's not going to get that promotion any time soon. Nope. Poor kid. But ... my Sim-Self knows exactly how this goes in the asylum she got yanked into. Hehe.
Poor Parson ... manipulated once again. ACR certainly makes things interesting! Too bad I didn't have it in my asylum ... it would have broken up the monotony a little. :O)
SimKeth ... she's BRUTAL to poor Lizbet. The "Mad Poker" of Pleasantview in my neighborhood is Mortimer Goth. :O))
Bwah-ha-ha, "Fire Baaaad" cracked me up! And fantastic closeup shot of Lisbet losing it. Really funny!
Poor Raul. No Pleasures to be found in a house with lots of women running around in their underwear? *tsks*
Haha, do you think Marie got laid and that's why she fell in love? Of course, I'd think it's more a Family sim who'd fall in love with the first person they slept with instead of a Romance sim...
Lizbet and Sim-Keth became best friends when SK pokes Liz? *blinks*
Poor Parson and Wanda. I hope they get over their fear of fire soon.
*comforts Lizbet* Works all week to get her aspirtion up and kills it in one moment of rushing into the kitchen to check out the fire.
Poor Parson (again). Getting teased for being crazy by the other loonies? *tsks*
HAHAHA, okay, that shot is CLASSIC of him looking up at Marie in her undies, with the over-the-shoulder angle of your shot. *snickers loudly* He looks like a kid drooling after a 10-cent candy or something. *giggles*
So, wait. Lorna caught Raul doing something, but Raul slapped Lorna? (And the cheatee can sometimes cry after they slap the cheater. I've had some of mine do that.)
Congrats Marie! *cheers*
And I'm surprised Wanda just kept cooking like that. I've never seen a sim do that before.
How the heck did Lizbet even react to the fire? If she's in a different room, she shouldn't have even noticed it.
Geeze, look at the grin on Parson's face while he stares at Marie and waits for Lorna to climb into bed. *shakes her head* Crazy man.
HAHAHA, okay, that shot is CLASSIC of him looking up at Marie in her undies, with the over-the-shoulder angle of your shot. *snickers loudly* He looks like a kid drooling after a 10-cent candy or something. *giggles*
I was so tempted to caption that one just "Boobies!"
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