Sunday, March 09, 2008

Asylum - Chapter 9

Finally, No Catastrophe

Parson and Dr. Phyllo would like to welcome you back to the Wainwright Asylum for the Slightly Deranged. It's Week 5, so shall we jump right in and see how our little inmates patients are doing?

It's winter, but sadly this was the only snow they got. They've been through two winters now, and they've had maybe a day and half of actual snow on the ground. Dang global warming. *ignores the two feet of snow currently burying her car*

Normally the sim-selves don't start showing up until the end of the week, but Sim-Lynn decided to get a jump on things early, much to Parson's delight.

These two have an infatuation for the bathroom, especially when it's dirty.

Of course, they have an infatuation for each other too...

Maybe it's more than infatuation...

Marie seems a little taken aback by the whole display. Being a romance sim, you'd think she wouldn't have an issue walking in on two people mid-liplock... unless she was hoping to make a play for Parson too, and can't believe he'd choose Lynn over her. (I can't wait 'till this is over and I can find out how many bolts these two have)

We had another sim-self show up a later on in the week too. The Good Captain came by to cheer on Lorna as she tried to beat the pants of Raul. I think she actually won this round too. I've given up paying attention to these two when they fight, much less seeing who wins, because they get into it so often. At least once a day, I swear.

I think this one went to Lorna. Must've been the Captain's cheering.

If it's not fighting, it's the poking and shoving. Although I don't think it's Raul that Lorna is glowering at this time.

Still, Raul was so upset by having his diary time interrupted that he proceeded to set fire to his dinner. Luckily Parson was asleep so we were able to get the firemen in to take care of this little blaze before he found out and went to pieces over it.

Truthfully though, the residents are getting pretty good at cooking. This is the first time I've seen any of them try to make a turkey, and that's not something you can whip up when you've got just 3 or 4 cooking points.

Lizbet had a promotion when she got home from work today, and promptly spun up the want to max out the Education career. You know what that means...

Yep, she's at level 9, College Dean of Students. But gah... she needs 1 logic, 2 charisma, 2 cleaning, and 2 more friends in order to get her final promotion. She's going to need to get cracking.

She doesn't seem to interested in getting to work on those skills though, does she? Now just who could she be bragging to about her promotion?

Why, it's her little college boy-toy Taylor

I keep trying to type his name as "Treynor"... he is most definitely not the Holldum spare to the current heir.

Who takes the concept of stalking to a new level. Lizbet should know better by now than to expect any sort of privacy, after having spent 5 weeks living with 7 other people.

Lizbet at least has the decency to give him a little space for his personal needs; she'll heart fart him from the doorway instead.

Speaking of stalking...

Sim-Lynn is the sort to just walk right in and head for whatever (or whomever) she wants. I'm used to Kasson Holldum doing it, but it always surprises me to see another sim act the same way.

Of course, Parson knew she was going to show up. Or at least he claims he did.

So since we had one simself on site already, I figured I'd have Lizbet snag another one or two as they walked by. She needs to build up those friendships after all.

Getting them to come inside, however, is another story.

I swear, the asylum must have the most interesting flamingos in all Middlington. Visitors are always engrossed by them.

Eventually they did come inside, but did they socialize with anyone else? No. *chuckle* Sim-Lisa is just waiting for her turn to play red hands with Sim-SGT.

Sim-Lynn did eventually wander into the kitchen to chat up Lorna and Raul over dinner. I'm not sure if she's telling Lorna about her new job, or if she's asking Lorna why Raul doesn't get haircut and get a real job.

For as much as these two dislike each other (Lorna and Raul that is) they always seem to be together.

I suppose it's that tendency for enemies to stalk each other, just like lovers do.

Er Lizbet, I'm not sure that's the bet topic to be bringing up around these two.

Seeing how these two fight at the drop of hat.

I think this one went to Raul.

Lorna has started in on Marie now too. Marie's never said a bad word or done anything to her first (poking, shoving, etc.) I was hoping Lorna would keep her fury restricted to Raul, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Marie was just doing her own thing when Lorna made her grumpy face and poked her. And she naturally poked back.

If you think Lorna's bad... trust me, you don't want to cross Marie.

Well, the end of the week is here, and things wouldn't be complete if we didn't have another kitchen fire.

Lorna knew this was going to happen, as she explains to Wanda.

I'd love to have Lizbet call up the Fire Department to fix this, but as you can see to the left, someone's already calling. Who's delaying our calling of emergency services this time?

"Oh Hi Bacillus! Yeah, I know I haven't called you in ages but I've been real busy lately. Hey, can I call you back later? We've got another raging inferno taking over the kitchen and I need to get someone over to put it out before we all die. Lorna predicted this, so I'm a little suspicious that this wasn't an accidental fire. I don't think she'd endanger all of us just to get back at Raul though."

It still took forever to get Bacillus off the phone.

Van, you might want to back up a bit there. That fire's getting awfully big.

Luckily the fire department finally arrived and took care of that pesky flaming stove issue.

But wait, Parson, where's our gibbering heap? You can't be present at a fire without falling all to pieces... Oh... I see... someone got woohoo at some point during the day (and no, it wasn't with Marie in the earlier picture) and is still fixated on it. Hey, if it keeps you from losing it at the fire, I'm cool with it.

Week 5 wraps up with at least 4 broken items in the asylum, and you can see them all here. Leaking shower, clogged toilet, broken tv, out of tune piano. Lizbet sure will be busy tomorrow. It was a short week because, thankfully, nothing major happened *wipes brow* But how do things look after this short, uneventful week?

Fires: 12 (2 during the 5th week)
Items destroyed by fire: 1 (stove, first week)
Nervous Breakdowns: 15 (NONE!!!1 during the 5th week. Yay!)
Job Level: 9 in Education (College Dean of Students)
Chance Cards: 3 (earned promotion to substitute teacher, lost $1860 as guest lecturer, promotion to senior professor)
Family Friends: 12
Family Funds: §41764
Lot Value: §32797
Total Family Wealth: §74561 (value on the neighborhood screen)
Total days so far: 35

We're almost there... will it take all of week 6 for Lizbet to earn that promotion, or will she get lucky early in the week? I guess we'll just have to hang on and see

Chapter Outtake

Sheesh... dress the boy up in PVC and leather and he turns into the Don Lothario of Middlington. *facepalm*

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Blogger MysticSpirit said...

Parson is really cute. Too bad he can't decide who he wants to be with though. Maybe he secretly has a crush on Dr. Phyllo. *snicker* He sees him so often and whatnot. *grin*

Global warming FTN!

What is it with Sim-Lynn and Parson always flirting with one another near a narsty toilet? Is this some sort of toilet humor? O__o

As for Marie and her reaction to Parson and Sim-Lynn, I think considering that she's a romance sim, she was just realize how much she had come to thinking that Sim-Lynn is hot, and SHE wanted to enjoy the bathroom with her. ;O> Or maybe she was contemplating a 3-some. *hehe*

My Sim-self has magical powers. Whomever she cheers for will naturally win a fight. GO ME!

So ... I guess since the asylum has so many fires, they are no longer considered a catastrophe? :O)) Of course, I guess it would only be a catastrophe is someone died, or if the kitchen was completely gutted. Right?

As for the cooking ... they've got nothing better to do than to cook. SO ... they earn skills in that. Ha! Well, once they all leave the asylum, they can all become famous chefs or something.

That last promotion is a real BIOTCH to get! And ooh look! She has once again attracted her boy-toy over to the asylum to brag about her promotion! Way to go, Lizbet! Show him who is the (wo)MAN!

The SGT always did look good in red. :O) But I do love her hosery in that uniform though. ;O)

I gotta wonder about Parson ... is he a knowledge sim or a romance sim? Cuz when he went into aspiration failure, he had the volleyball = knowledge). And yet ... he didn't freak out about the fire due to the fact that he just got laid ... is he a 2ndary romance sim?? :O}

How'd you manage to get all those things to break at the same time ... considering they're all lined up against the same wall? :O> Hehe!

So ... if Orrin is the Don Lothario of Middlington, does that mean we can call him Slutty Orrin?

3/09/2008 4:04 PM  
Blogger Kethwyn said...

How'd you manage to get all those things to break at the same time ... considering they're all lined up against the same wall? :O> Hehe!

Heh... well, the piano is always out of tune and the toilet is always clogged (someone doesn't flush *glares at the slouchers in the asylum*) so the odds of the other two breaking at the same time is pretty good. *chuckle*

3/09/2008 4:12 PM  
Blogger SuziCat said...

Fun update! Love the pink rooms in the first pic, of Parson with Phyllo. I think Orrin likes SGT's hosiery, too. :-)

3/09/2008 5:01 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

I don't think "Slutty Orrin" has quite the same ring to it that "Slutty Don" does.

It's good to see that Parson is feeling better.

3/10/2008 12:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, let's see if blogger will actually let me comment today.

Sim-Lynn and Parson making out in front of a green stanky toilet. Nothing says romance like green stank. Ah a fire. It would not be an update without a fire. I hate it when they can't give you the privacy enough to pee. *ponders what it will be like to pee alone again* LOL! What interesting flamingos! Looks like Sim-SGT is a popular red hands competitor. Lorna and Raul remind me of the kids who fight constantly but end up together. LOL Bacillus calling in the middle of the fire. Bacteria have no manners. Hmmm, Sim-SGT seems to draw the lady lovers to her ;o)

3/13/2008 11:28 AM  
Blogger AeronwyDiobhell said...

Aww, Parson has a crush! *grins* Lucky Sim-Lynn, getting the cutie-pie (even if he is beyond bonkers). Ooo, she got recycled kisses finally! *cheers*

Tsk, Captain, you shouldn't cheer on the crazies when they're beating the snot out of each other.

Congrats on their getting better at cooking! Now if only they'd cut it out with the fires...

Yikes, that's still a lot she needs before she can get promoted. I hope she's got a couple of days off coming up? And maybe some vacation time?

Not expecting privacy is one thing. Having a supposedly sane guy follow her in to watch her pee is something else. Heart fart?!?

So... are you hoping someone else in the asylum will become friends with the sim-selves? Not Lizbet herself?

Good for Marie, poking Lorna back!

You know, as many fires as you've had there, I really am quite shocked that nobody has died.

*giggles at Orrin* What'd you expect if you're gonna dress him up like that?

5/23/2008 12:41 PM  

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