Saturday, March 15, 2008

Asylum - Chapter 10

The Final Push

It's week 6. Time for the last push. Lizbet is at career level 9, the College Dean of Students, and her escape from the Wainwright Asylum is so close she can nearly taste it. She just needs to do some heavy studying on a few more skills and chat a couple folks up from acquaintance level to "friend".

First, though, she needs to fix all the crap her asylum-mates broke last chapter.

Unfortunately, I don't think a massive cram session at the start of the week is going to work. Lizbet was up way too late last night working on her skills and was bone tired for work today. I'd hoped she had enough energy left to pick up the trashcan and trash that someone kicked over after the maid left (I think it was Peter Ottomas... damn you Peter) She got the can picked up, but passed out before she got the trash, much to the consternation of our afternoon walk by, Hayden.

Sim-Lynn wandered over and waltzed right in one day while Lizbet was at work, so of course Parson had to gossip about her.

"Yeah Lynn, she talked about burning things and fire when we were having woohoo. Doesn't she know I have a delicate condition?"

"Oh you poor thing. What can I do to make it better?" *snicker*

It finally happened. Lorna pushed Marie just a little too far, and of course they had to choose the shower room as the location for their first scrap. All Parson wants to do is take a nice rinse-off.

Despite the fact that Lorna is the one always dragging him to bed, Parson is more concerned about Marie. Don't worry Parson, Marie's had the upper hand in this fight from the very start.

And he didn't worry. The fight seemed to run on forever and he eventually got bored. So while Marie and Lorna continued to duke it out, he decided to take his shower.

Marie was the winner of the fight, which was no surprise to me. I said that she was the one you really didn't want to cross.

She then realized that "ohmigawd, there's a naked man in here!!1" *facepalm*

Fashion Plate Cleve wandered by the next day, so I had Lizbet run out and greet him. He's going to be the last friend we need for promotion. Plus we'd already invited the CapEetahn over because otherwise she'd be calling constantly. She and Bacillus are the Marsha Bruenings of Middlington.

Lizbet is still working on that maxxed logic that she needs for promotion. She went to the telescope on her own, but she doesn't look like she's enjoying it, does she?

You may or may not be able to see it, but the Sim-Captain and Clevey Baby are chatting it up in the bathroom next to the semi-stanky toilet. These two are always fun to get together.

I'd love to know what they're really talking about. The topic is money, and Cleve is making the hand motions like he's making a payout, peeling bills off the top of the stack.

Well, whatever he was saying (or paying) seemed to work, because he spouted this big old heart before long. The Captain's attention seems to be more on his jacket... or Van's a##.

Lorna tried to jump Marie again, just after Lizbet had ordered pizza. Apparently she thought she could take the romance sim while she was distracted by food.

Turns out she was very wrong

I did have to snap a shot of Clevey during the fight. Everyone else is cheering and such, but him? He's more concerned with his pizza. And there's just something kinda scary about that look of his right now.

At least today Lizbet made it into the house after work before she passed out.

Another day, another sim self. Today Van explains to Sim-Lisa how much he's looking forwards to Free Time so he can learn the violin. I don't have the heart to tell him I won't be putting Free Time on my laptop for a long long time.

Van should be spending a little more time working on his cooking skills, rather than dreaming of an EP he may not ever see.

Thankfully nobody was trying to call Lizbet up to chat when we needed to use the phone this time.

And Parson was asleep, so we didn't have to run the risk of finding out if last week's fire, when he didn't have a breakdown, was just a fluke or if he's finally conquered his fear of flame.

Aw Geez Lisa, did you have to break the sink?

"I was just washing my hands. I'm all filthy from that fire. Why can't you install some visitor enabled showers or something?"

The only visitor enabled showers I have allow folks to do something other than rinse off with them. I don't want to think what would go on in here if I installed one.

Lorna picked another fight with Marie, this time in the kitchen.

How many time are they going to need to go 'round before she learns you just don't do that with Marie.

Hey, would someone grab that burned hamburger off the stove before someone tries to cook again?

Too late. Good one Earl. *facepalm*

Thankfully Wanda, Earl, and Lorna were the only ones to witness the fire, so there were no breakdowns there. Just very stinky, very tired sims.

I sent Lizbet in to get the burned crap off the cooktop and out of the oven. Looks like we're going to be enjoying a lovely breakfast of burned crown roast this morning.

And here we see Lizbet off to work. No, that's not her ride off to the left. That's the ride that brought her home after being demoted *headdesk* A bad chance card sent her back to level 8. She got home early enough that I could have her use the decrepit old asylum minivan to go back to work (albeit late) I was hoping she'd get promoted back up to level 9, but no such luck. *headdesk again*

So it looks like this chapter -- and level 10 -- is going to take longer than I planned. I think I'll split things here and pick up in the next chapter.

Chapter Outtake #1

Parson practices his career as an organ thief by trying to steal Sim-Lynn's kidney as she gives him a big hug.

Chapter Outtake #2

*waggle eyebrows*

Previous Chapter
Next Chapter

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We'd already invited the CapEetahn over because otherwise she'd be calling constantly. She and Bacillus are the Marsha Bruenings of Middlington."

Haha! That's awesome. Sounds like a very busy week. Poor Lizbet and her unfortunate chance card choice. I hope she can make up the lost level soon!

3/16/2008 7:11 AM  
Blogger SuziCat said...

Wow, passing out in the garbage--that's pretty bad! And Cleve DOES look scary in that pic! Another fun update! The caption in outake one made me laugh.

3/16/2008 11:26 AM  
Blogger MysticSpirit said...

Cleve doesn't look scary. That's how he always looks when he's eating. :O} I still think he looks like David Lee Roth in that jacket. That's why the CapEeTahn was staring at it ... or was she staring at someone else's ass. And Cleve has always been sweet on her. I'm not surprised that he fell in love with her. *grin* As for what they could have possibly been talking about that had to do with money ... it was probably concerning the plans she has for him in my own game. *evil laugh* HEHE! Or ... maybe he's trying to buy his way into her affections. *SNICKER*

Poor, poor Lizbet. I'm sorry to hear that she got that bad chance card. You gotta watch out for those chance cards. Sneaky buggers!!

And that burnt roast looked .... umm .... yummmmmmy ... *gags* ...

So ... it's gonna take a LITTLE bit longer. But when it does happen ... it'll make things all the more sweeter. Oh yes! :O) *boogies*

GO Marie!!! Knew you could kick her ass! Show her who's boss!

3/16/2008 6:45 PM  
Blogger SuziCat said...

So Cleve looks like a gremlin when he eats? Don't feed him after midnight! Actually, I didn't feed my Cleve at all in my game--I starved him to death for a legacy point, bwah ha ha.

3/16/2008 7:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh man. Tough luck about the chance card. Doesn't that just grind you? At least she didn't get fired though. It is almost a little unreal the number of fires you've managed to have. Clearly an asylum full of pyros! And I love that Bacillus is a Marsha Bruening of Middleton. *giggles*

3/17/2008 7:40 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Sorry about your sink! *shifty eyes* She was just trying to help Lizbet with her mechanical skill.

Awwww. That demotion was just suckage. Hopefully Lizbet will get promoted soon so she can be FREE!

3/17/2008 10:27 AM  
Blogger AeronwyDiobhell said...

Yikes! Passing out in that nasty stinky garbage? *shudders* I hope they don't get bugs too!

Congrats on winning the fight, Marie! And enjoy the show you two ladies get too. *whistles at Parson's naked butt*

Hehehe, the Captain's a Marsha! *cackles*

So if they're talking by a stanky toilet, does that mean romance is in the air for those two? *grins*

Haha, so wait, the Captain and Cleve really are falling in love in the Asylum they're just visiting! *giggles*

Congrats on getting to the phone during the emergency. And hey, it looks like Parson is distracted elsewhere too!

Wait... visitors can't use the showers? What about a BV visitor who's over for 3 days? Is that why mine wear out the sinks?

*claps for Marie* Glad to see little miss romance is able to whup some butt. :-)

Wow, that food is REALLY burnt. Like solid black burnt. *gags just thinking about eating it*

Aww, that stinks about the bad chance card.

*giggles at the outtakes*

5/23/2008 12:53 PM  

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