Asylum - Chapter 11

After Lizbet's little fiasco with the chance card, things started really going downhill at the Asylum. There was stuff breaking all over the place.

And burning. This was Parson's first turkey. I'm sorry Parson, but I think that no matter how much you basted it, it's going to be a little dry.

Speaking of burning, I completely missed this happening. We were having a massive thunderstorm, with lightning strikes so bad (and so frequent) that my entire computer screen would go white. Apparently Lorna was outside for one of them. *snicker* She came inside and headed straight for the shower. Couldn't have happened to a nicer resident (I shouldn't say that... I'm actually rather fond of Lorna)

Aw, gods dammit! Who stole Gnutzo this time? And why didn't anyone go get him back?
*sigh* Time for a new Gnutzo... again

As Lizbet burned the midnight oil to try to earn the last skills she needed, everyone else started slowly going to pieces.

Well, everyone except Lorna. While Parson gets all quiver-lipped, she keeps right on dreaming of her favorite person... herself.

Wanda had been doing so well for quite some time, apparently because of the regular woohoo with Earl. I haven't seen 'em getting quite as busy recently, however. so I don't if she's getting all teary from the lack of woohoo, or if she's realized she's getting older and she doesn't have any kids, much less a husband. Oh those family sims.

Marie preferred to weep her silent tears in private, probably to keep Lorna from trying to use them as an excuse to pick a fight (and get her ass whupped again in the process).

And here Parson and Earl share a little manly bonding by crying and worrying together in the pantry.
Despite all the fretting and fussing, I did not see a single volleyball, flour baby, panhandling cup, lamp shade, cup on a stick, or dust mop the entire week, so their aspirations must not be as bad off as they'd have us believe.
That doesn't mean there wasn't still some problems...

Like when Lizbet decided she was going to have issues with Lorna dragging Parson to bed so that she (Lorna) could buff up her asipration. Lizbet's never never had a problem with Parson getting up close and personal with Lorna before...

but this time she decided that she had something to say about it. And she also decided to glitch the bedcovers too.
People have asked if I've turned jealousy off in the asylum, and I haven't. ACR does a good job of straightening out some of the weird jealousy issues the Maxis coding causes, and Pescado's Romance Mod helps iron out a few more. But situations like this crop up from time to time. I see it happen quite a bit in the dorms where I use ACR.

Poor Parson doesn't even know what hit him. One minute he's getting ready for woohoo...

and the next he's losing his best friend. I suppose I could tell him that if he'd kept it in his pants, this wouldn't have happened, but he's not the one who wanted the woohoo. It was Lorna. He just happened to be the most convenient male around.

You can just hear the thoughts running through their heads, can't you?
::Omigawd... why did she have to catch me in bed with someone else this time?::
::Omigawd... I really need more sleep. I'm starting to snap.::

So I felt it was time for a little intervention...
You've heard of Sewing Circles? Stich 'n Bitch? Well, Lizbet started a Cooking Corner, to try to avoid any more cooking accidents... or at least lessen the number of them. Only Van and Earl were interested in it at the start, but they're some of the worst offenders.

And after many hours glued to the telescope, Lizbet finally maximized her logic skill. She got points for it too, as you can tell by the plumb bob.

I also made her go and apologize to Parson, before they started shoving and poking each other. Lorna's enmity for Raul and Marie is more than enough hatin' for the Asylum.

Speaking of Lorna, she figured it was maybe to start looking for a new partner. Someone who hadn't had woohoo in a while and was starting to acutely feel the lack of it.

Parson and Lizbet couldn't stay mad at each other for long, which was good. I couldn't have handled more of the poke and slap. Lorna and Marie are at it constantly; I've gotten to where I just ignore them most of the time.

Oh dear, that's not the face of a happy surfer. What happened Van? Someone bean you while playing catch? Who in the asylum would be mean enough for that?

Ah... I should've known.

And this scene makes me even happier than when Lizbet maxxed Logic. Parson just maximized his creativity and he had the want spun up for it. Yay aspiration points. He'll be platinum for a while. A very short, very brief while, but at least this means there won't be any weeping, worrying, or Dr. Phyllo from him for a few days.

Lorna and Van were able to move past the baseball incident and take up a sport that's a little more intimate.

A sport that Raul and Marie are well versed in.

As the weekend rolled in, Parson and Lizbet decided to take up a little game play of their own. I'm thinking that we should maybe give these two a little privacy and take things up again in the next chapter. There's a lot more to come before this week is out.

Chapter Outtake:
Wolves have finally started showing up at the Asylum; I didn't see one for ages, but they eventually started wandering by. Parson felt like playing al ittle fetch one night. This one's name? Fred.
Yes, I somehow have managed to get a wolf named "Fred" in Middlington *facepalm*
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Labels: asylum, middlington
A wolf named FRED?! *LOL* How ... droll. :O) *snickers* What a very "un-wolf-like" name for a wolf. :O)) Fred ... *snorts*
But I'm glad to see that the semi-sane dynamic has returned to your asylum! And congrats to both Lizbet and Parson for maximizing a skill! WOOT! Go them! Now ... if we could only get Lizbet back to level 9 ... and then to level 10 ... we could get her with her jailbai ... err ... her young friend who's waiting for her in college. ;O} *snicker*
Ok, I'm not sure what exactly it is but the head hole there on the burnt turkey distrubs me a little. Ouch! Lorna looks like she's seen better days, yikes. She really is quite a character.
I'm surprised nobody had a melt-down with all the worrying and crying. Not bad.
LOL! A cooking accident support group! If anywhere needs one it is your asylum! They have a lot of them!
Awww, poor Van getting beaned by Lorna! She really does look evil in that picture! OH WOW! Apparently he didn't take that beaning personally!
ROTFL! A wolf named Fred! That is just so perfect for this place!
Thanks goodness all the worrying didn't turn into breakdowns.
You would think that after all the times Marie handed Lorna her ass, that Lorna would stop picking fights with her.
Hurray for maxed skills!
This turned out to be a pretty good week for the inmates. Hopefully the next week will be even better.
You may be fond of her, but you've gotta admit, she's definitely a trouble-maker! Although, is she still getting into fights with Raul now that she's also trying to pick on Marie?
Poor folks. How'd you keep from screaming at your screen with all that crying going on?
Poor Parson. I'm not sure he really has any clue what's going on around him or to him. He definitely seems the craziest of the bunch. She should be yelling a Lorna, not him.
*comforts Parson* Hopefully you can get your best friend back. If she stops being a poopyhead.
Congrats on the logic max!
Hehe, I love your caption for the Lorna/Van picture. *grins*
I'm glad Lizbet and Parson are friends again. :-D
*snorts* I didn't have to even scan to the next picture before I knew it was gonna be Lorna.
*cheers* Congrats on the points, Parson!
Whew, that's a whole lotta fooling around going on. And poor Wanda seems to have been left out of it.
*giggles* Hiya Fred!
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