Asylum - Chapter 12
As the weekend rolls around, things are starting to get back to normal in the Wainwright Asylum for the Slightly Deranged.
Really, they are. Stink is normal here.
Since it's the weekend, and (with luck) the last weekend Lizbet will be staying in the Asylum as a patient, I decided to let her live it up and invite a bunch of her friends over.
*facepalm* Yes Taylor, I think Lizbet understands that you think she's hot. You don't need to keep reminding her to call you while you bubble little hearts all over her.
I'll have to go check her memories, but I don't think that Lizbet and
Folks started eventually wandering in. I couldn't remember if asylum residents were allowed to throw parties, so I just invited everyone by phone. Several people asked to bring friends. Like Sim-Lynn here brought Sim-Lisa. Doesn't she look just thrilled about it? (actually I think she was peeved because Parson was still asleep.)
Orrin Lothario asked if he could bring...
Stop heart farting every other female in Middlington and I'll think about giving you your name back. Be thankful I'm not using the Captain's idea of 'Slutty Orrin.'
Anyway, Orrin asked if he could bring a friend. Sim-Keth is not whom I expected him to bring. She's been poking folks all day; I can't believe she's up for a party.
Sim-SGT has to be one of the nicest and most polite sims I've played. Taylor rushed out to do his school cheer for her. She didn't know the words but she clapped and bounced along with him. The other asylum residents tended to shut him down when he tried to cheer them.
She does seem a little less than enthusiastic about Quavi's come on though.
Inside meanwhile, Lorna had been going around and making raspberries at some of the guests so Marie gave her a piece of her mind, Sim-Lynn tried to pass the time while waiting for Parson to get up by trying to make friends with Raul, and Orrin tried to drag Sim-Lisa's attention away from the sports channel. Unfortunately, staring intently at her didn't seem to work.
No. Not while your boytoy is inside. Is you two's relationship even high enough for that? Oh wait... ACR... Still no though.
Eventually everyone was there, and Parson had hauled himself out of bed. Happening place, isn't it?
Some folks never made it inside, however.
Aw, it's nice to see that Captain Ange returns Clevey Lee Roth's feelings.
Sim-Keth actually spent more time in the kitchen, filling her face. Considering she's the size of the Simyear Blimp, I can imagine she's got a heck of an appetite.
Lizbet, would you care to explain why you're heart-farting Sim-Lynn with such a sour face?
Ah, bonding over the flamingos that the Captain loves so well.
Sim-Keth explained to Lizbet that it might not be a good idea to get grousy over Sim-Lynn while she's visiting. Especially when she's explaining to Parson how to fend off a mugger with a pair of stiletto heels.
Sim-Lynn's ears must've started burning at some point, because she headed outside...
to steal Gnutzo DXXXVII
You tell her Clevey! Put her in her place Captain.
Hmm... doesn't seem to have stopped her any.
That's okay. Earl will go and steal Gnutzo back in a bit.
"Oh Cleve... is that jacket real?"
"You betcha baby. Do you know how many rare spotted naugas it took to get my tailor had enough hides for this coat?"
Later, after Gnutzo was returned, there would be a brief argument over who would be the next to steal him.
This is why I like inviting Sim-Lisa and Sim-SGT over. They don't steal the lawn gnomes or kick the flamingos.
I thought this was terribly cute. In a room full of people to chat up, what does Bacillus do? He decided to talk to Sim-Keth's tummy. I love it when sims do this autonomously.
Ah, you know it's getting late and that it's been a great party when the guests are passing out in their breakfast. Most of them started wandering home after this.
But a few decided to stick around. Sim-SGT felt the leaves just had to be raked before she could leave.
While Clevey and the Captain hung out in the living room playing red hands. *facepalm*
Aw SGT, we just got that sink fixed from when Lisa broke it.
"I'm sorry. I just needed to wash my hands. Those leaves are dusty."
They were lying on the ground. What do you expect?
Well, we've officially finished Week 6 now, so how do things stand?
Fires: 14 (2 during the 6th week)
Items destroyed by fire: 1 (stove, first week)
Nervous Breakdowns: 15 (NONE!!!1 during the 6th week either. Moar Yay!)
Job Level: 8 in Education (Senior Professor)
Chance Cards: 4 (earned promotion to substitute teacher, lost $1860 as guest lecturer, promotion to senior professor, demotion to senior professor)
Family Friends: 13
Family Funds: §50498
Lot Value: §33470
Total Family Wealth: §83968 (value on the neighborhood screen)
Total days so far: 42
Chapter Outtake:
Another picture of Bacillus playing peek-a-boo with Sim-Keth's tummy.
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Labels: asylum, middlington
Time for yet another running commentary by "Yours Truly". :O))
I love the expression on Parson's face in the first image. Even though it probably has nothing to do with his stinky inmate ... heh ... it works!
Lizbet loves the youngins'. Hehe. I bet he'll very nice as an adult ... someday. *snickers* So ... when WILL they kiss??
*cough*Slutty Orrin*cough*
I cannot believe Sim-Keth wandered all the way over in her very large state. :O) My goodness. It's like she's been pregnant for AGES! *snickers*
The Sim-SGT is so adorable.
Yeah. I was wondering where Cleve-baby and my Sim-Self were. I was starting to wonder if they might not have gotten invited. *pout* Hehe. Clevey Lee Roth. *ROTFLMAO*
"Gnutzo DXXXVII" ... *CACKLES*
What's a spotted naugas?
Bacillus likes the kiddies. He wants a lot of his own I bet. :O)
My goodness! What party animals! There until the break of day! HA!
Heh ... great chapter. I'm so curious to know what will happen when Lizbet finally reaches the top of her Education career. WEE!!!
And congrats on having this thread in "LL" be the most active in "LL" ... second only to "Sessions from Confessions". :O)) WOOT!! You're #2!!
I think it's cute how Taylor wants Lizbet to call him. *huggles Taylor*
*snicker* Orrin Lothario. *snickers again*
Oh no! Poor Sim-Keth. She looks like she's about to pop any second. *gets a masseuse to rub Sim-Keth's swollen ankles*
Sim-Sgt looks sweet listening to Taylor's cheer! She even looks sweet rebuffing Quavi.
Sim-Lisa's attention to the Sports Channel was just a ploy to get Orrin's attention.
I love that Clevey Lee Roth & Sim-Captain are telling Sim-Lynn off for stealing poor Gnutzo.
Whose the dark haired chick sitting across from face-in-the-plate-Taylor? Have we met her before?
Yay for no moar breakdowns!
WOOT! Live it up Lizbet! Wow, Sim-Lynn and Sim-Lisa are almost like live in visitors. They ALWAYS seem to be there! Maybe its Parson. LOL Orrin Lothario!! Is that Quavi still stalking Sim-SGT? Oh wow, Sim-Keth looks a little uncomfortable. Awww, Sim-SGT is nice and polite. What a party? Sim-Captain and Cleve are missing though. Hmmm.... AH! I suspected! The poor lawn ornaments get rough treatment. Awww!!! I love Bacillus talking to Sim-Keth's belly. It must be something left over from the 10 kids he had with Mallory. LOL! Sim-SGT sure is helpful. *wonders if she can get a real-life Sim-SGT*
Just read the last two updates! Fun as always! I loved "Clevey Lee Roth"!!! I guess an asylum is a great place to party, who knew?
If he's watched her pee, I hope she and her jailbait have kissed!
*snickers* Orrin Lothario. I wonder if I should name him that when I put him into my game. *rubs her chin and ponders*
Heh, doesn't surprise me that Sim-SGT is such a sweetie. :-D
*tsk* Quavi shouldn't make moves on girls he's only just met. :-b
*glances at all the goings on in that picture* Why do I suspect the next scene is going to be either really boring or far too "exciting"
*snicker* Well, it could have been exciting, if you let Lizbeth have some fun there, I guess. *grins*
Ange, face it. You're destined to be with a long-blond haired guy with a mouth big enough to swallow a MAC truck with. *giggles and skips off*
I wish the scolding really did stop folks from stealing gnomes and newspapers or kicking over garbage cans. It would make it worthwhile to have someone out there to scold.
I'm surprised sim-Keth let Bacillus talk to her belly like that? Are they friends already? Or she just that open to strangers rubbing her body and stuff?
Wow, she's raking the leaves again? She must have like 10 neat points or something. I've noticed my neat-obsessed sims are always raking leaves.
Actually, Cleve and the Captain are playing rock-paper-scissors, not redhands. ;-)
*taps SGT Heather on the shoulder* Psst, you are a real life sim-SGT, aren't you? *winks*
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