Orrin says Thanks
There are always two...

"I hope you have some explanation for this affront. I was studying with the other lesser mortals in the den."
"Woman, do you hear me? I have my first final in the morning."
*long silence*

*almost worried tone* "Keth?"
Ahem. . . er. . . sorry. . . I was distracted. It's probably a good thing I wasn't running late and had to wake you up. You only wear those flannel sleep pants and. . . well. . .
"Why am I not on the main blog. . . by the Nine Hells, you haven't even posted my chapter yet! You'd best have a good explanation for this. "
Simmer down, I do. Consider this a small time warp out of chapter order. First I wanted to change your hair because the style I'd chosen was driving me batshitcrazy. Secondly, and more importantly, an. . . admirer. . . of yours generously sent you a gift. She'd be quite honoured if you'd wear it.

"An admirer of me? I realize it is quite natural, what with myself being an evil overlord. I just never expected to receive gifts from them. I'm. . . well. . . touched."
It's the black shirt there. Oh and try on those dark jeans with it. I'm afraid your a$$ might hang out if you try to wear your current ones.

*whispering* You know, most evil overlords would check any gifts, especially from 'admirers', for bombs and booby traps first.

"I'm afraid I don't get it Keth. Should I know this person?"
That's all because of that "time warp out of order" thing I mentioned earlier. I haven't explained to you who EO, the commanding lady on your shirt, is yet. But you remember in the Sim Wars movies when they talk about 'there are always two: a Master and an Apprentice.'
"I do. I very much liked the part in the third one where. . . "
Hold that thought. Let's just say that we probably should start referring to you as 'padawan' now *snicker*

"Are you implying that I am an. . . an. . . apprentice overlord! How dare you make such claims."
We'll get into this later when I post your chapters.
"ChapterS? As in more than one? Oh very well."
Now say thank you to EO for the shirt. She made it just for you. I had to sacrifice a sheep for it, which was okay because I got to keep the fleece. And then there was this part with a yak and rubber hose. . . wait.. That was a different game.
"Thank you EO. Wait, isn't she the one who can teach me how to glow?"
Maybe later Padawan. She mentioned you first needed to do something with outlets and appendages... or fruit... or fruit shaped appendages.