Friday, February 29, 2008

Asylum - Chapter 8

Moar Fire, Moar Catastrophe

And we're back, gearing up to wrap up the week and head into the weekend. Considering Parson just got lucky last chapter, why is he whipping out Dr. Phyllo?

That would be because Marie was having some cooking issues Thursday morning.

And you know that if there's a fire in the house, the one person guaranteed to have an issue with the fire is going to come running.

Another day, another breakdown for Parson. Nothing to see here folks (nothing except three ladies in their undies and one gibbering idiot) Nope, nothing to see. Let's move along.

Parson strives to soothe his fragile mind (and nerves) by washing the windows in the dormitory. Perhaps he thinks a clean asylum is a happy asylum (or a sane asylum).

It's taken me a while to figure Marie out. She's romance sim, but she's never been very outwardly romantic towards people. It took her almost 4 weeks to get hooked up with anyone; considering I'm running ACR that's an unheard of length of time. But, while watching her stargaze, I think I know what's up. I have a tendency to have knowledge sims who are closet romance sims. Well, Marie is the opposite. She's a romance sim who's actually a closet knowledge sim. I just missed getting a screenshot of the aspiration points she earned by gaining a point of logic, and she's always gaining points from earning cooking or cleaning skills. So she's actually sitting pretty in terms of mood.

While elsewhere in Middlington, there's a closet romance knowledge sim who's not a happy camper. Can't say I blame her, what with people at the telescope all hours of the day. She's no sooner going to get home from poking Earl than she's going to have to turn around and head back to poke Lorna.

Now Earl...

Earl had enough problems on his own without Sim-Keth poking the stuffing out of him. Poor fellow has never really recovered from those fires (and subsequent breakdowns) the first week.

He always seems to be wandering around with at least one need dangerously low. Wanda may be to blame for part of it though, voracious family sim with a constant need for woohoo that she is. On the plus side, I always know when it's time to check the food levels on the fridge. If Earl's throwing up spikey thought bubbles about food, but not making an effort to fix himself any, the food levels are probably at or below the 1/3 full level.

And today, Earl is low on... sleep.

Which is too bad, because it means he missed out on our evening walk-by, Sim-Lynn. I sent a less-than-hygienic Lizbet out to greet her, and I was impressed that Sim-Lynn managed to give her a hug without making the stinky face. She still looked like she had some reservations.

The two of them wandered inside to hang out a bit, where they were joined by Parson. Eventually Lizbet's stench got the better of her (Lizbet that is) and she headed off to shower, leaving Sim-Lynn to proposition Parson about the possibility of recycling some kisses.

The next morning, bright eyed and bushy tailed (or as close as you can come in the Wainwright Asylum), Lizbet dashed out to greet Sim-Lisa as she ambled by. And since Lizbet was not giving off the green miasma of hygiene failure, Sim-Lisa didn't hesitate to give her a big hug of greeting.

She then headed into the kitchen to discuss the upcoming primary with Wanda, who impressed Sim-Lisa with her deep political analysis of the candidates. (I can't even escape the frickin primary and election talk in game *facepalm*) Earl ignored them both and continued to gently weep into his oatmeal.

Eventually Lisa couldn't handle the sobbing wealth sim in the kitchen any longer and ambled into the living room to sit down... where she received the stare down from Sim-Lynn, who had been there all night, following Parson around. Shouldn't you have headed home by now?

Sim-Lynn agreed that it was time to head home, but not before making off with Gnutzo. I've given up taking pictures of who does it in most cases, it happens so often. I've had to replace Gnutzo 3 times now, because occasionally someone will gnomenap him and the asylum residents won't realize it... so no one goes to get him back. Usually it's Lorna or Earl who does the recovery, but I guess they've been a bit preoccupied lately.

Oh Lizbet! Hurry up and get outside. The only sim-self we haven't met is currently walking by.

Sim-SGT has actually walked by several times, but always when Lizbet's been at work. This is the first chance we've had to actually greet her. She seems rather interested in finding out exactly what this Asylum she's been hearing about is like.

Sadly, she happened to be our last evening walk by and everyone else in the house was either asleep or busy tending to other needs (like eating or bathing). Luckily she found whatever was showing on the Yummy Channel tonight rather exciting.

After the show was over, she wandered outside and started to tidy up the yard. She even left Gnutzo alone, unlike most of the other sim-selves (only Sim-Lisa and Sim-SGT have let Gnutzo be; all the others are gnomenappers) After getting the bushes trimmed and the leaves raked, she headed on home. I'm going to have to have Lizbet chat her up over the phone and invite her back over sometime when people are being social for once.

Too bad she didn't stick around all night like Sim-Lynn did. She could've been on hand to...

...experience yet another fire at the Wainwright Asylum. I do believe that Lizbet started this one. I'd like to think she was a little distracted though, as both Bacillus and Orrin were on the lot (morning walk bys, both of 'em)

To no one's shock or surprise, Parson raced right in to take the aspiration hit. I don't think they've had a fire yet where he hasn't taken the hit.

And eventually everyone was crowded into the kitchen, panicking for dear life. I was finally able to tear Lizbet away and sent her out into the hall to alert the fire department. Before she was able to, however, somebody decided to call up the asylum and chat. Now who would be calling at an inopportune time like this?

"Oh hi Captain. Sorry but I can't chat right now. The kitchen's on fire again and I really need to call the firemen so we can watch Parson make monkey noises again in the middle of the room."

Yep, the Captain thought the best time to call would be right in the middle of the conflagration. Luckily we were able to get her off the line and ring up the nice people with the big red truck.

And there goes Parson. No big surprise, really.

Gee, even the fireman is mocking him.

As for the house guests...

Aw Bacillus, is it really nice to gossip about poor Parson when the boy isn't even coherent enough to form complete sentences at the moment? What would SGT say if she saw this?

I am not, however, surprised to see Orrin getting a good laugh off the gossip. *sigh*

He was thoroughly mortified by something Bacillus did or said later though. That or his hygiene has fallen so far that the stench is turning Orrin's stomach.

"Overlords have delicate senses of smell."

Actually I think it's those 10 neat points.

Oh, and don't let that green grass fool you. It's winter now...

And there'll be snow before you know it.

Earl really likes the snow. In fact, it was dang hard to keep Earl inside once it started snowing, which was putting a serious cramp in Wanda's love life. Every time I turned around he was doing stuff outside. Even Wanda reminding him of their evening woohoo appointment couldn't tear him away from his snowmen.

Gah, even the damn penguin has an opinion on the candidates. *headdesk*

So, at the end of Week 4, how do things stand for Lizbet and the rest of the crew?

Fires: 10 (2 during the 4th week)
Items destroyed by fire: 1 (stove, first week)
Nervous Breakdowns: 15 (3 during 4th week)
Job Level: 8 in Education (College Senior Professor)
Chance Cards: 3 (earned promotion to substitute teacher, lost $1860 as guest lecturer, promotion to senior professor)
Family Friends: 10
Family Funds: §25420 (I was wrong last week... they had 16k not 11k)
Lot Value: §33479
Total Family Wealth: §58899 (value on the neighborhood screen)
Total days so far: 28

I turned aging off at the end of the day on Sunday, as they were all slated to age to elder at 6 pm on Monday (the start of week 5).

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Asylum - Chapter 7

Lovin' and Hatin' the Pending Catastrophe

We greet the start of Week 4 with a promotion for Lizbet. As you may recall, Week 3 ended rather poorly for her, and with her mood and aspiration bottomed out I was rather concerned about her getting her next promotion. But Lizbet came through with flying colours, waltzing home Monday with a promotion and the need for more friends and more skills to make the next one.

But that frees us up to further pursue the antics of the Wainwright Asylum this week, where there's been...

lots of hatin'...

and lots of lovin' going on this week.

Let's start with the hating.

Despite Parson's rather surly look, he's not the one who started this disagreement.

Lorna is the instigator in this argument, and in many others this week as well. Apparently her little "sleeping with the other man" stunt to try to make Raul jealous didn't work, and she's not only taking it out on the "other man"...

but on Raul as well. She hovered around the kitchen, glaring and cracking her knuckles, just waiting for the two love birds to finish.

On the plus side, it's nice to see that someone's earning aspiration points.

Once Raul was detached from Marie, Lorna laid the smackdown on him. She's never so much as said a bad word to Marie, but I've got this feeling that Marie may not be one to trifle with. Anyway, as Lorna and Raul's pushing, shoving, and slapping increased in frequency, I knew it was just a matter of time before...

they tried to beat the stuffing out of each other.

With no body points, this scuffle could've gone to either one. Raul is the winner of this fight, neatly trouncing Lorna but still needing to go the full 10 rounds.

Despite being furious with Raul, Lorna had some sort of major fear for Raul as well, as evidenced by that big fat negative 3500. We've got our first breakdown of the week, and Lorna's very first breakdown.

She got her paybacks the next day, kicking Raul's tail through the bathroom wall.

They took it outside later in the week, scaring (and scarring) the poor paperboy as they went another 10 rounds on the front sidewalk. I think this one went to Raul as well.

Considering Lorna came to the asylum to learn how to make and keep friends, she seems to be doing a very poor job of it.

She's even having problems staying civil with her best friend and personal mascot, Cuppy.

In an attempt to soothe the fury between these two, Lizbet invited both of them to hang out with her for a while. While they're chatting it up, let's check out the "lovin'" part of the week

Isn't this every man's dream, to have sexy women in their undies pillow fighting with him and with each other?

Not being a guy, I fail to see the appeal.

Marie strives to keep a good relationship with all the men in the asylum. Whether it is mistletoe kissing with Parson (seen in one of the earlier weeks), pillow fighting with Earl, or getting trounced in rock-paper-scissors by Van.

But Raul is the only one she really has the hot moves for (and she doesn't care where they are when it's time for those hot moves). I'm beginning to wonder if she's been waiting this whole time to make a play for him.

Now don't let Lorna and Raul's animosity towards each other lead you to think that everyone at the asylum is grumpy like that. They're actually a rather affectionate bunch.

The mistletoe seems to help with that a little bit too. It's certainly gotten a workout this week.

It can make even the grumpy Lorna behave affectionately towards the other residents. That or she was so desperate for affection after chasing off Raul, she'd accept it any form. Even a friendly but chaste holiday kiss from Lizbet.

Van seems to be getting a little desperate as well. Now that I think about it, other than a couple rolls in the hay with Wanda the first week, he's been striking out in the romance scene as well.

I really hate to point out to him that no matter how good Parson looks in his Smanes, Van's just not his type.

Parson's definitely more interested in the ladies.

Lizbet, you blew things the last time by being too tired. Don't mess it up this time around by bringing up inappropriate topics of discussion. I doubt Parson really wants to be reminded too much of burned food and fire. It might put him into aspiration failure right in the middle of woohoo.

Well, Lizbet apparently figured out the right things to say to Parson to not put him into aspiration failure, or else he's getting a lot better at choosing between recycled and non-recycled kisses when he's getting up close and personal. Let's let these two catch up on their sleep so everyone will be ready for the weekend.

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