The Floyds
The Floyds Album
Way back before University came out, I started a population explosion family named The Floyds. The trashy set from MTS2 inspired me to make them a trailer trash family, complete with badly butchered accent. I started writing about them, planning on uploading the story to the exchange, but it was never meant to be. University came out when I was about halfway through (at 11 kids) and it caused their lot to go boom. I switched back to playing my original legacy family and during the second generation I sent to college (Gen 5 I believe) this green skinned sim who was supposed to hold the dormintory pictures for me took on a life of her own. You could tell listening to her that the Floyds had a lot of influence on the development of her character, and her character evolved into a whole blog of her own.
During my time as Simmer of the Week for the simming group/forum I'm part of (Legacy Land), I revisited the Floyds (as Texas would be completely different if I'd never played them) and posted their story here for folks to read.

Well hi y’all. Mah name is Murleen Floyd, an’ my good friend Cally tole me that some of you folks would be right interested in hearing about mah growin’ family. We jes moved here ta Graildyn, which is a nice little neighborhood jes down the river from Highmeadow, which is where all them stuck-up Legacy folks live. Lemme start with in-tro-ducin’ ya to the folks.

Ah, wait jes a sec tho. Mah friend Kethwyn whose editin’ this all up fer me wants ta say a thing or two.
Kethwyn: Murleen writes just like she talks, so spelling and grammar in this album is far from sterling (and for those wondering if people really talk her way... between my sister’s family and users I’ve dealt at work, I can guarantee you they do) Warning -- This album does occasionally feature Sims ambling about in their undies (Roy Joe tends to do it a lot) as well as some terrible eating habits. I’ve tried to keep the screenshots ‘respectable’ *chuckle* Positive comments are always welcome. Non-constructive complaints and flames, please route to /dev/null.

Back now ta mah story. This here is the family pichur we done posed for at the Sim-Mart pichur studio jes before we moved ta Graildyn.. That's me there to the left. Next ta me are Pace Martin and Alpharetta, Roy Joe's folks. Next to Alpharetta is mah mamma, Whinona Macee, and Roy Joe is standin' between her and mah daddy, Mason Scott.

Roy Joe is mah one true luv. We's been sweeties since third grade, when fer Valentine's Day he gived me a bokay of squirrel tails he'd been collectin' all winter. I'd tole him at Thanksgivin' that I liked squirrel a lot more'n turkey, an he remembered. He still likes ta bring me little presents and stuff he salvages outta the trash.
Me 'n Roy Joe were lookin' forwards to gittin' hitched once we moved ta Graildyn. Much as we luv our folks, there's jes some things that seem "weird" ta do when yer still livin' with 'em. Mamma and Daddy and Roy Joe's folks rented out one of the Graildyn parks ta have our weddin' in and invited all our new friends from town. Here you can see me 'n Roy Joe gittin' warmed up fer the cer-ee-moanee.

We's got family in Graildyn too. Not too long ago mah cousin Lurleen moved here with her girl Paulene. Paulene's daddy Paul finally got a ree-strain-in order put on Lurleen cuz she kept follerin him around and herassin' him fer chile support. Course, they'd never bin married and Lurleen didn't have the money to prove Paulene was his, so she just give up and headed over to Graildyn. They shouldn't be hurtin for money for too long though, since Paulene jes got a job as a teen model. She's a real looker; she was Miss Sim Holler and also a Possum Princess back home. Our cousin Robby John also moved with Lurleen; he'd just gotten custody of his son Sue-Boy from his ex an' wanted to git as far away from her as he could. She was a real nasty... er... well... Mamma won't let me say them words. Anyhoo, Robby John had been tryin' for years to get him back. We tole him that he oughta change Sue-Boy's name cuz his ex named the boy that jes for spite, but he won't lissen to us. I hope poor Sue-Boy don't grow up scarred fer life.
Lurleen and Robby John are Roy Joe's cousins too. Ah course, me and Roy Joe are sumthin' like third cousins twice removed. See, my mamma's sister's cousin's brother's roommate's daughter married Roy Joe's uncle's grandmother's nephew. The Floyd family tree is kinda complicated.

Anyhoo, I was jes tickled pink when it finally came time fer me and Roy Joe to speak them majik werds and say I do. I could hardly wait fer the preacher ta start the cer-ee-moanee

Roy Joe was purty excited too. He kep' tellin' me he had special sur-prize fer me fer when we was done wit our honee moon. If he'd bin saying it were fer the honeemoon, I'd've thunk he'd got us the hot tub room over at the Go-Go-Gobbler Motel o'er on route 5.

Finally the preacher done said them majik werds an' Roy Joe slipped da wedding ring on mah finger. I wuz so happy I culd spit. We wuz Mr 'n Mrs Floyd at last.

Here's a pichur of all the folks who comed to our wedding. No one seemed ta want ta sit in da first row, 'cept Roy Joe's daddy Pace Martin. An' me and Roy Joe even bathed today too! In da second row is cousin Lurleen and cousin Robby John. Lurleen's daughter Pauleen is next to them and her friend Ivy Copur is after that. Mamma and Daddy's friend Ivy Copur is sittin' at the end of the row; I don' know if she's related to Pauleen's friend Ivy er not. In the third row is Remington London; I dunno why da folks invited him cuz he's never nice ta anyone. Mamma (Whinona Macee) is sittin next ta him, and between Mamma and Alpharetta is Joe Carr. Roy Joe's mama Alpharetta and my daddy Mason Scott are sittin at the end of the row. The bartendin' gal the folks hired fer the reception is standin' in the back wit' her tray of drinks. Mama wanted her ta make some fancy mixed drinks, but I think Daddy jes talked her into pouring beer into her glasses and handed them out instead.

Me n Roy Joe was so excited we coulds hardly contain ourselves. Mamma and Alpharetta baked us up a purdy weddin' cake...

which I hadta stuff in Roy Joe's face. If I hadn't done it ta him first, he'da done it to me and got frostin' all over mah purty dress. Mamma spent a whole week sewin' it fer me. Roy Joe just borrowed his suit from his cousin who works in da funeral parlour. I ain't sure I want to know if the suit belongs to his cousin, or belongs to them funeral folks.

Tha hours jes seems to melt away, we was havin so much fun at the reception. A'fore I knew it, a big limmerseen was pullin up to take Roy Joe and me on our honeemoon.

Lil' did I know what sorta sooprise Roy Joe had fer me after the honeemoon. He kep' grinning about it the whole time.

Roy Joe had done bought me a house! He'd saved up and bought a big chunka land jes down the road from Mamma and Daddy and converted tha pole barn on it inta a nice cozy house fer us newleeweds. He'd even gone down ta SimWill and picked us out sum furniture.

It may notta looked like much, but I was overjoyed at havin' a place all our own. Roy Joe's second cousin, who works over at tha junkyard, said he could git us some buildin' supplies like winders and such real cheap so'in we could spruce tha place up. He had that funny look on his face when he said "real cheap" so I was kinda suspicious, but I ain't gonna look no gift hoss in the mouth either.

Roy Joe, thoughtful hubby that he be, picked up tha paper right away ta look fer a job. I was hopin that he'd git himself a cookin' job and become a cee-leb-ree-tee chef like that guy Emersim over on tha Yummy Channel., but he tole me he'd found a nice job over at tha Highmeadow Gold Course. I guess he wuz thinking he could get some good tips offin' all them Legacy sims living over there.

To cellerbrate Roy Joe findin' himself a job, we lit off to tha bedroom to git a little frisky. I had a hankerin' ta be startin' a family right soon, but Roy Joe said we might want ta be a waitin' till we'd got a bit more cash unner the mattress. I jus luv how he's always thinkin' aheader like that.

A'course, a'fore we culd be gittin too far along with rumplin' tha sheets, a whole buncha folks showed up ta welcome us. So Roy Joe went back ta thumbin through the want ads, an' I spent some time meetin our new neighbors. The gal sittin next to me on Roy Joe's old couch is Mama Ralph, who's got herself a toddler daycare. Alcina L'mactanatrix is the hussy in the critter skin skirt whose glarin' at me. I heard some nasty rumors about her. The guy in the background is Benedict Weldon. He's the hubby of my best friend Cally.

This here is Cally Weldon and she's mah bestest friend in all of Graildyn. Her name is actually something like Calantha but that's an awful lot fer me to say. Her and her hubby Benedict are scientists. Benny is a thee-or-ist, which Cally says means he thinks of big ideers that other people need to figure out how make work. Cally is an as-tron-o-meer, kinda like that gal in that Contact movie, and is lookin' at the sky fer aliens. I thought that were pretty neat and tole her all about Mamma's crazy half-brother Leroy, who done swore up and down fer years that aliens picked him up right outta the outhouse for es-peer-i-mentations. We think he was jes sniffin the outhouse fumes too long after getting trashed on bad 'shine.

Cally is the one who tole me about how there were some folks who were real interested in hearin about folks raisin' big families. She and Benny were planning on it, but right now they was too busy workin on their careers. I said that me and Roy Joe were plannin on a big family too and that if folks were innerested, I'd be happy ta be tellin' all about me and Roy Joe's kids.

Oh, lessin' I fergit, this here's one a Cally's roommates. His name's Aaron and he sez he's "in tha musik bizness". Actually he's one a them guys what puts his gi-tar case out on tha sidewalk by the SimCity train station as he's a playin'. Still, he seems kinda familiar, 'cept I jes cain't place where I seen him afore.

Here I take a moment ta admire Roy Joe as he goes about doin' manly things around the house. He's unclogging the biffy after that nasty Alcina L'mactanatrix pluggered it all up this afternoon.

Roy Joe musta been doin' sumthin right when he was helping them high-flautin' sims over at the golf course, cuz one of them recommended him to a buddy who owns a bunch of gas stations. Roy Joe got himself a nice job workin as a station attendant and started bringin me home any day old donuts the cops hadn't et up.

Roy Joe brought these plants home from work one day too. He said the guy who works the shift after him at the gas station grows 'em in his basement and though Roy would really like 'em. I thought they might be the sorta plants that could git us in trouble with tha po-leece, but Cally tole me they was okay. Tha plants actually grow real simoleons on 'em!

Roy Joe seems ta always be studyin' 'n stuff. He sez that one of his reg-u-lars at work kin git him a position at one of his stores, so he's brushin' up on his learnin' to try to impress him. Here Mamma's peerin over his shoulder tryin ta see whut he's readin' Since it prolly don't have no pichurs, she'll be kinda disappointed.

Since I weren't workin', Mamma and Alpharetta an' Lurleen an' me liked ta go hang out downtown. After one bad day of dumpster divin I unnerstand now why Roy Joe brought them money plants home. I'd found me a purty vase in tha bin behind tha SimWill when I was doin' sum dumpster divin'. I weren't payin' attenshun tho and cut myself up on a purty good on it cuz it was busted up around the rim.. It cost about all we had in tha bank to fix me all up. Roy Joy weren't mad, but I ain't allowed to dumpster dive no more
Kethwyn: Actually, Murleen is working. She's in a custom freeloader career" which has her working for only an hour a two every few days for just a few dollars. There are levels like "living off friends" and "living off relatives" Her chance card today cost her $400, almost all the money in their bank account. Roy Joe is doing the traditional slacker career so he's not exactly rolling in huge amounts of money either.

Roy Joe's friend from tha gas station got him hooked up workin as a clerk in sum music store. Roy Joe was purty excited about it, especially when tha garage band he'd picked fer a gig at the store hit it big wit some record guys. He got a nice bonus an also managed to sumhow get his grubby mitts on this here tellerscope. Roy Joe's never bin a real scientific guy, so I done got a real bad feelin when he drug this home, and that feelin ain't because he's got it pointing at our bedroom winder.

Well, the ideer of him peepin in on me with that tellerscope got Roy Joe all riled up, so we lit off to the bedroom agin. A'fore we started gittin frisky (I do want them kids) I done warned him that I had bad feelin' 'bout that tellerscope. Now Roy Joe knows ta lissen ta me when I'ma talkin' 'bout them feelin's I git. My great aunt Prudence Tilly (she's on Daddy's mama's sister's cousin's stepchile's uncle's side) had the sight, though it ne'er worked for tha lotto nummers. So I gits them feelins from time to time and I ain't offen wrong...

Oh, I wuz right! Roy Joe no sooner started peepin up at them stars them some big whirly flyin' saucer some and sucked him up! What am I gonna do without my sweetie?!
Kethwyn: Roy Joe is the first Sim I've had abducted on the very first night of stargazing. I know it's a random chance each night; I guess Roy Joe was just overly lucky. I'd gotten him telescope to work on his logic; I wasn't expecting aliens right off the bat.

I called up Cally fast, since she knew all about them flyin' saucers. She tole me that them aliens would be bringin' Roy Joe back ta me after a lil bit, but that things might be "interesting" fir him fir a while.

Sure 'nuff, after a few hours that whirly saucer came back and spat poor ol' Roy Joe out onta the pavement.

He shore didn't look too happy about his lil trip ta outer space. A'course, after Cally tole me about some of what goes in them saucers, I can't really blame him fer bein' a tad perturbed.

An' what does the idjit go and do once he's recovered enough ta walk? Go and stick his eye right back ta his tellerscope. Sheesh, what a mo-ron.
And at this point, I stopped writing for the Floyds. Not that their story is undocumented. At the time I installed Uni (which is when their log got bugged) they had 11 kids (no clones either, if I recall) Here they are:
- Ace Roy (alien, male)
- Bobijo (female)
- Claramae Chevelle (female)
- Dicklitte (female)
- Earl Diesel (male)
- Freddie Bob (male)
- George Rusty (male)
- Hoss (male)
- Ichabod (male)
- Jaymylynne (female)
- Kayli-girl (female)
And here just a few choice shots.

What? Oh heya Keth. It's right nice ta see ya agin. Ya want me ta do a guest happerance fer ya an' tell ya 'bout some of my youngin's? Well I'd be right proud to talk about 'em.
Here be mah first six. Ain't they just the sweetest thangs? In the front there is Dicklitte, Earl Diesel, and that lil feller is Freddie Bob. In the back is Ace Roy and Bobijo. They's all grown up now. Claramae Chevelle is gittin ready ta grad-U-hate any day now.

Here's Ace Roy and Bobijo when they wuz jes lil goobers.

Ace Roy, he was always one a them pree-co-shus kids. I reckin its from them aliens that done knocked up Roy Joe. Tell you whut, tha wuz shure a sooprize, Roy Joe bein' pregger and all. I dinna know menfolk could do that.

Ace Roy growed up real different from all the rest of my chillins. He's always a cleanin things and gittin all urpy when we's messy eatin in stuff. Freddie Bob makes him real pukey whin he eats.
Kethwyn: I think Ace Roy is when I realized that aliens can be cute. I'm not even sure I had the multi-pollination tech hack in at the time he was born. Probably explains a lot about my attachment to the Holldums. *grin*

Bobijo growed up inta a right looker too. I tole her she should move ta SimCity and become a moo-vee star (jes not one likes on Roy Joe's sexy lady movies) But she's a good gal an' sticks aroun' home ta help her mamma.

This here's Dicklitte and Earl Diesel. I'm a wishin' I had more baby pichurs for ya, but affer a while them kids all start ta look alike. Don't none of 'em act a like. I wuz glad a one thang tho, after Earl Diesel was borned.

Roy Joe done harranged fer us ta git a bigger house. His third cousin on Alpharetta's sister's niece's half brother's side is a con-truck-shun worker and he and his buddies comed over one day and done redid the whole house. Its jes huuuge now. If'n it weren't fer friendly help like good ol' Remmy here I'd done be up ta mah eyeballs in cookin' an' cleanin' an' birthin' an' raisin' kids an' what all. I be lost without 'im.

Him an' Bobijo started gittin sweet on each other too. Ain't they cute tagither? Oh Keth's a wavin at me an' saying we needs ta be goin cuz she's done gotta hupload this. Thanks ya fer stoppin by. Now if'n you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go round up Roy Joe. I'm feelin a little frisky meself.
Here are a few more shots that I linked in the group/forum
Roy Joe and Murleen, pregnant at the same time
Bobijo, puttin' the moves on Alon (he turned her down for her first kiss about 6 times):
Earl Diesel beating Roy Joe at chess
Ace Roy may be a pansy neatnik alien, but at least he follows the family tradition of running around in his undies.
Dinner in the new Floyd home
Fire in the new Floyd home (notice how everyone is in PJs or undies)
Roy Joe and Murleen find it hard to get frisky with kids around.
Claramae Chevelle's birth. I love Bobijo's expression.
Freddie Bob's birth. This time it's Claramae pitching the fit at the new sibling.
Claramae's backside and Ace Roy brings up an inappropriate topic with the 'hood black widow.
Roy Joe and Murleen still find it hard to get frisky. I think this is Freddie Bob with the half-hearted attempt to show off his A+.
Bobijo's birthday in the new house.
Don't ask me which Floyd is having their birthday this time. I think it's Hoss
Hoss puts the beat down on his cousin Paulene for making out with his brother George Rusty. (Hoss was best friends with her as a kid and immediately fell in love with her after he aged to teen. Only she and George Rusty were sweet on each other too)