Musings Test1
Empty Musings: Spencer, first entry
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I'm not sure why I'm doing this. I mean, I'm not some girl to be like babbling all about my first kiss and the guy I'm crushing on in some diary. But for some reason this book looked so empty and was just begging for me to jot my thoughts down in it. I don't even know where it came from. Dad must've dragged it home from work one night. He's worked with some pretty weird stuff.

But here I am.... my name's Spencer. Spencer Severn. I live here in Muse Ridge with my family. It's a new development and there aren't a lot of folks here yet. Mr. Bunny was my bestest bud when I was still crawling around in diapers.
Yeah, yeah, I know I'm green.

You can blame my dad for that. He moved here from that secret military complex out on Highway 37, you know. What's it called, Area 42? something like that? Anyway, there's lots of families there with green skin and all sorts of hush-hush rumors about aliens being some of them. Dad's family is from around there, a lot of 'em, and some are pretty well known I guess. He's got a relative -- a cousin or an aunt or somesuch -- who's a big tv celebrity. We're the only green family in Muse Ridge though. It earns me some strange looks at the mall, believe me.
A toddler at the mall, you ask? Well... you see...

This is me now, actually. Definitely not the little guy in these pics and certainly old enough to be hanging out at the mall with my buds, causing trouble *grin*. But that's getting a bit ahead of myself though.

I'll admit, looking though these pics, I wasn't the cutest toddler around. My older sister beat me out in that department, but she's a girl. Girls are supposed to be cute. I was still pretty adorable though. And I'm Mom's favorite. *grin* She was just tickled pink when I turned out to be a blonde. I guess most of her family has brown hair and Dad's relatives are all red heads. There hasn't been a blonde in Mom's family in ages, since like her grandparents.
I may be her favorite, but she did spend a lot of time when I was little apologizing to me. It seems I got Dad's nose, and Dad's family nose is like a bad thing or something.

Mom was like seriously concerned I was going to grow up into the Nose That Ate Toledo or something. Well, I suppose I still could, but I don't think so. Besides, how could anyone think anything bad about a precious little toddler *cough* such as me?

This is my big sister, Charity. She looks a lot...
Er... sorry... lemme see if I can get a better shot of her.

There. This is Charity. She's my big sis and Dad's favorite. He tried calling her his "little princess" a couple times, until she pointed out to him that she's not a princess. She's the dragon who ate the princess. Whoever heard of a pink dragon? I mean, really? Charity's really cool and fun though. She looks more like Dad than I do. She got Mom's hair, but it's got a reddish tint to it just like Dad's. Mom says she's lucky she didn't get Dad's nose.

This is Mom. Dad met her when he was at college, where he was crazy for her from the get-go. It took Mom a little while to warm up to him though. She's really really shy and he's like... not. Which is why I find it funny that Mom's really popular and goes to a lot of events and parties for her job. She's always on the go nowdays. Both Mom and Dad work, but when Charity and I were kids their job schedules lined up pretty well. One of them was almost always home with us so they only ever had to hire a nanny a couple times, which is good because I've hear some bad things about nannies.

Dad's had some strange jobs. Since he always has his nose buried in a book *haha!* he's got a lot of knowledge that he's used for a lot of different folks and companies. Mom says he graduated top of his class at college. And in Math too! Ugh, I hate numbers. Anything more complex than trying to figure out how many seconds I have to nuke my burrito for down at the Kwikie Mart is gonna give me a headache. Mom got her degree in Literature, which sounds like something pretty cool to study. Maybe I'll think about that if I go to college.

And this is what my folks are always doing. A lot. Like, Ew, who wants to watch their parents feeling each other up? Not like I can ever remember Mom and Dad acting their age, but still.

Mom and Dad really wanted another baby. Neither of them have brothers or sisters, although Dad does have all those cousins and stuff over by the miltary base. I guess they wanted a big family, but one that's not too big. Too bad going at it this way didn't work out for them.

The night before my birthday, Mom got off work early. She'd hired a nanny to keep an eye on us, since Dad didn't get back before she left for work. With the nanny taking care of us, she had some time for herself and decided to do a little stargazing. Well, the aliens apparently got lost trying to find the military base and sucked her up instead. Everyone was pretty shocked by it, especially Dad. Yeah, the aliens returned her a little later when they realized their mistake, but you know what happens to folks abducted by those spaceships.

Yep. Turns out we were going to have a new family member, but not quite the way Mom and Dad had planned it. Heck, the baby wouldn't even technically be Dad's, since it was some freaky space alien putting the... ah... fatherhood moves on Mom. I mean... whoa. That's just not the sort of birthday present a kid wants... but I'll have to tell you more about that in a little bit.

I'm not sure why I'm doing this. I mean, I'm not some girl to be like babbling all about my first kiss and the guy I'm crushing on in some diary. But for some reason this book looked so empty and was just begging for me to jot my thoughts down in it. I don't even know where it came from. Dad must've dragged it home from work one night. He's worked with some pretty weird stuff.

But here I am.... my name's Spencer. Spencer Severn. I live here in Muse Ridge with my family. It's a new development and there aren't a lot of folks here yet. Mr. Bunny was my bestest bud when I was still crawling around in diapers.
Yeah, yeah, I know I'm green.

You can blame my dad for that. He moved here from that secret military complex out on Highway 37, you know. What's it called, Area 42? something like that? Anyway, there's lots of families there with green skin and all sorts of hush-hush rumors about aliens being some of them. Dad's family is from around there, a lot of 'em, and some are pretty well known I guess. He's got a relative -- a cousin or an aunt or somesuch -- who's a big tv celebrity. We're the only green family in Muse Ridge though. It earns me some strange looks at the mall, believe me.
A toddler at the mall, you ask? Well... you see...

This is me now, actually. Definitely not the little guy in these pics and certainly old enough to be hanging out at the mall with my buds, causing trouble *grin*. But that's getting a bit ahead of myself though.

I'll admit, looking though these pics, I wasn't the cutest toddler around. My older sister beat me out in that department, but she's a girl. Girls are supposed to be cute. I was still pretty adorable though. And I'm Mom's favorite. *grin* She was just tickled pink when I turned out to be a blonde. I guess most of her family has brown hair and Dad's relatives are all red heads. There hasn't been a blonde in Mom's family in ages, since like her grandparents.
I may be her favorite, but she did spend a lot of time when I was little apologizing to me. It seems I got Dad's nose, and Dad's family nose is like a bad thing or something.

Mom was like seriously concerned I was going to grow up into the Nose That Ate Toledo or something. Well, I suppose I still could, but I don't think so. Besides, how could anyone think anything bad about a precious little toddler *cough* such as me?

This is my big sister, Charity. She looks a lot...
Er... sorry... lemme see if I can get a better shot of her.

There. This is Charity. She's my big sis and Dad's favorite. He tried calling her his "little princess" a couple times, until she pointed out to him that she's not a princess. She's the dragon who ate the princess. Whoever heard of a pink dragon? I mean, really? Charity's really cool and fun though. She looks more like Dad than I do. She got Mom's hair, but it's got a reddish tint to it just like Dad's. Mom says she's lucky she didn't get Dad's nose.

This is Mom. Dad met her when he was at college, where he was crazy for her from the get-go. It took Mom a little while to warm up to him though. She's really really shy and he's like... not. Which is why I find it funny that Mom's really popular and goes to a lot of events and parties for her job. She's always on the go nowdays. Both Mom and Dad work, but when Charity and I were kids their job schedules lined up pretty well. One of them was almost always home with us so they only ever had to hire a nanny a couple times, which is good because I've hear some bad things about nannies.

Dad's had some strange jobs. Since he always has his nose buried in a book *haha!* he's got a lot of knowledge that he's used for a lot of different folks and companies. Mom says he graduated top of his class at college. And in Math too! Ugh, I hate numbers. Anything more complex than trying to figure out how many seconds I have to nuke my burrito for down at the Kwikie Mart is gonna give me a headache. Mom got her degree in Literature, which sounds like something pretty cool to study. Maybe I'll think about that if I go to college.

And this is what my folks are always doing. A lot. Like, Ew, who wants to watch their parents feeling each other up? Not like I can ever remember Mom and Dad acting their age, but still.

Mom and Dad really wanted another baby. Neither of them have brothers or sisters, although Dad does have all those cousins and stuff over by the miltary base. I guess they wanted a big family, but one that's not too big. Too bad going at it this way didn't work out for them.

The night before my birthday, Mom got off work early. She'd hired a nanny to keep an eye on us, since Dad didn't get back before she left for work. With the nanny taking care of us, she had some time for herself and decided to do a little stargazing. Well, the aliens apparently got lost trying to find the military base and sucked her up instead. Everyone was pretty shocked by it, especially Dad. Yeah, the aliens returned her a little later when they realized their mistake, but you know what happens to folks abducted by those spaceships.

Yep. Turns out we were going to have a new family member, but not quite the way Mom and Dad had planned it. Heck, the baby wouldn't even technically be Dad's, since it was some freaky space alien putting the... ah... fatherhood moves on Mom. I mean... whoa. That's just not the sort of birthday present a kid wants... but I'll have to tell you more about that in a little bit.