Asylum - Chapter 13

Here we are in Week 7, coming round the far turn and heading into the stretch run. It's been a long race, but the wire is in sight. We've just got to turn on that burst of speed and try to avoid stumbling in the last few furlongs.
This may be easier said than done, as some residents are having problems just making it from day to day, while others are concerned they'll never be able to pack up and leave.

Earl is one of those patients who continues to have some issues tending his needs. He's constantly in the yellow, usually because he's hungry, sleepy, or stinky... or a combination of more than one. Like in this case, where he's obviously hungry and sleepy. That's his bowl of whatever on the counter; despite Lizbet having set out gelatin earlier in the day (and someone -- probably Raul -- making sammiches), he just had to try to cook for himself. On the plus side, his passing out before he was finished means we probably avoided a fire.

Earl did eventually wake up on his own and wander off to bed... just in time to be out of the way for Raul and Lorna's daily argument and fight. Lorna's scraps with Raul and Marie are so common that the other patients don't even bat an eye anymore. They just carry on like nothing's happening
Marie: "So Parson, I hear in Free Time we'll be able to play soccer finally."
Parson: "Um... we will?"

Marie: "I wonder if we'll get skiing too? I'd really love to learn to ski."
Lizbet: "We're not getting Free Time anytime soon, so stop your whining about wanting to go schussing down the slopes."

Marie: "Ah... okay."
Parson: "I'm getting dust on my gelatin."
Lizbet: "Then you might want to move."

Yeah, seven weeks in here is starting to get on Lizbet's last nerve. But with luck this should be the last week. She's just got her promotion back to level 9 and she needs only one skill point to get her last promotion, which we'll get to work on right away once repairs have been made. Yeah the TV is broken again and Raul clogged the the toilet.

Earl kept having nightmares and waking himself up. His icon was somewhere between yellow and orange, so I guess he can't really be blamed for them. Eventually he got up and wandered into the kitchen in a quest for food.

Which Wanda was already working on. Sadly, like Parson, her cooking skills fell a bit short when it came to making turkey.
Earl: "Asylum Gods, please, no more burned turkey! The neck hole is seriously creepy."
Just eat your charcoal poultry Earl and then go take a shower. You're grossing out your asylum-mates.
That's Reg Canton, random custom townie walk-by there in the back. I sent Lizbet out to greet him as he ambled by, and right now he's probably wishing he'd kept on walking.

Apparently extra-crispy, extra-dry, slightly sooty turkey makes a good pillow.

Next morning after Lizbet left for work, Sim-Lynn wandered in all on her own again. Parson was asleep so she hung out with Van for a while.
Sim-Lynn: "Um... what are we watching Van? It's the sports channel, but I don't see any sports."
Van: "Street Luge. Things are kind of slow right now because we're waiting for the emergency crew to finish clearing parts of racer #6 off the roadway."
Sim-Lynn: "I think I'll go see if Parson is up yet."

And Parson was up; he was just finishing washing his dishes in the pantry sink so Sim-Lynn had him cornered. They proceeded to do this all afternoon.

See what I mean? Still in the pantry. Lizbet's been home for a while; she's busy unclogging the toilet because I forgot to have her to it last night. After that she'll get to work on those skills.

They did eventually get moved out of the pantry, but it seems that location was the only thing that had changed with these two.

Um... guys... both sides of the bed need to be available if you want to do that. *giggle*

Since half the bed was occupado, Sim-Lynn and Parson decided to wander out into living room and stare at Marie as she maxxed her creativity. Maybe they were hoping she'd leave so they could make "use" of the couch.

Marie did eventually move... into the commons area so she could beat up Lorna again. Sim-Lynn seems to be enjoying the show.

Okay, who was not surprised at this outcome? *raises hand*

Once the crowd had dispersed, Lizbet got to work finishing off that last needed skill point

Thursday morning, and yes, Sim-Lynn is still here, invading Raul's privacy as he tries to write in his diary. At least she's not mocking Marie for her sleep management issues.

Yes Lizbet, you're off to school, in a sense. Just get that promotion and all will be right with the world.

Before Lizbet headed out though, I had her greet Sim-SGT who was wandering by.
Sim-SGT: "So Wanda, are you ready to be out of here and head back to the city?"
Wanda: "No, Ah think Ah'd rather stay here. Well, not here here, but I'd like to get me a nice lil farm and maybe raise some kids and tamaters and stuff."

After chatting up Wanda, Sim-SGT went out side to play in the leaves she'd raked a few days earlier. She then raked them all back up into neat little piles. This is why I like having her or Sim-Lisa stop by; they're great house guests. They don't heart fart everything that moves (Orrin), steal Gnutzo (Sim-Lynn and Cleve), and aren't hated by half the residents (Sim-Keth)

Speaking of hatin' and Sim-Keth...
Van, don't you ever learn?

There's something other than hatin' going on here too. Raul's finally fallen in love with Marie. She fell in love with him way back in Week 3, but he was still wrapped up in Lorna then. 'Bout time the boy got his head on straight.

No Lynn.
"But... but... Parson is inside."
Just keep moving.

Lizbet... that is not a platinum plumb bob. Why do I think you did not get a promotion today? We need that promotion.

And don't give me that "I'm tired" line. Today is Thursday. Tomorrow is Friday, your last day to get a promotion this week. I really don't want to take this into 8 weeks.
Get yourself inside. Maybe if we get you greened up you'll get lucky tomorrow and we can finally wrap this up.
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Labels: asylum, middlington